Thursday, March 26, 2009

Weekly Vocabulary Week Five

Used for special treatment on the uncles.
A Physical Theraphist taught me.
Used to put on the neck or legs to controll the pain.

Eveyday the doctors use these phrases.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The end of the fourth week of internships

What is this?
It is a hospital called Saint Vicent Hospital, located in Manhattan.

What kind of business is it and what kind of work do the professionals do there?
Here all the doctors are busy and taking care to patients who need help. I work on 6th floor with Physical Theraphist, They always are talking and treating patients that have problems wiht their body.
Tell a little about your mentor?
My mentor is very strict, but if you do everything that she says, she is friendly and so glad.

What kind of things have you done so far?
Since I started to work there, I follow PT(Physical Theraphyst) with the weelchair, put back all the thing that they use with patients. Sometimes I have to put some sheets to the laundry.

How long does it take you to get to your intership?
It takes about 1 hour, I take D train until West four.

When do you arrive home?
I arrive home at 5 Ocloc'k.

What is your schedule?
I work four days per week(Monday to Thursday). On frudays we have normal classes. I have to organize all my time.

What is something that you really like about the intership?
I like everything. But in special when I'm talking with Doctors or patients. When they give advices and tell stories about their lifes.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Third week

In my job I try to be always respectful. I'm prepared to do everything.

Each day I have to be in alert to their taks thatt they give me. I have to be fast, and ready to work. Once I was talking with a patient, she was 95 years old, her stories were very interesting, she talked like an angel, she was very friendly. Sometimes we felt sad because is horrible to be in situation like her. She said that actually she lives alone, all her members already died, for that she hope that one day she could be in the heaven with her family. I almost cryed. This day I learned that all the persons that work in a hospital have to be patient. Some patient are angry for everything, and others only need a person who listen them, like her, she was listening to the radio and when we arrived to her room she was happy with our company.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Second week

Since I started to work in intership, I had done many tasks. When I arrived to the office in which I see to my mentor I have to change my clothes, them I go to the hospital. I work on First floor REHAB, this section is for in-rehabilytation. I have to put back all the equipment that the doctors use wiht each patient, sometimes I have to help them transportating patients or following them with the wheelchair. I have to make hot packs(cervical,lumbar). In the hospital they have gyms in which they use to treat the patients, I have to be in alert all the time to have all the three gyms clean and ready to be use by doctors. I also have to send to the laundry all the dirty things. I like to be in the hospital for many reasons. I work with my classmate Allison, with the doctors and nurses, in fact there is a nurse who is friendly with us, she is telling us how she studied. All the people is friendly, they give good advices.