Monday, May 25, 2009

Internship Seminar Final Reflection

Look Back to your earliest posts. What were your goal? Did you meet these goals?
I definetly met all of my goals, one of them was that I wanted to see the doctor's life and duties,and also improve my english skills, now I can say that I am not afrid to talk with somebody.

What are the most important things you've learned?
I've leraned how to be patient and act infront of people that sometimes lose the control of themselfs. It is an impotant value for all the doctors.

In what ways have you grown as a student/young adult?
As a student I am more responsible,confident, and I try to help others withuot receive nothing.

What were the highlights of your internship experience?
My highlights of experience is that I discovered how to serve others as a confident person, who knows what can do and what not.

Describe a memorable moment or experience?
My memorable moment was when our mentor made us a party. It was great. We were celebrating the volunteers week, and that day I met the most important person of the company. She was so nice.

What challenges did you overcome?
My busy schedule, it was really hard to organize my time to do many things during the day, in special when I had to do homework and projects for school.

What advice would you give a new intern at this site?
My advice is that in this place they need responsible people, for that a future intern has to dominated this value and know that in a hospital a person has to help others any time.

What will you miss about your internship?
I will miss all of those conversationts that I used to have with doctors. They were telling me stories, giving me advices, they were so nice with me.


1.- What is your full name?
Dr. Ki Chi Chi, PT, DPT (Korey)

2.- Where are you from (city, state, country)?
My home town is Hong Kong. I came to the States 12 years ago. I currently live in Brooklyn, New York.

3.- Where did you go to college? For how long? Do you plan to go back to school?
I went to college at Stony Brook University. I finished my bachelor degree in Biology in 4 years. Three years later, I got my Clinical doctoral degree in Physical Therapy. I might go back to school a couple years later to study acupuncture, if I have time and enough saving.

4.- Why did you choose your professional field?
To be able to walk and climbing stairs, to get in and out of the bed, these are all basic needs that we will require to live a normal life. I like the idea that I can get someone to have a better life without using any medication.

5.- What got you involved in this field of work? What inspired you to do it?
One thing that inspired me a lot is the way we play piano. I play piano as a hobby. Lot of times I’m amazed by our ability to move our fingers and hit the keys at a precise speed and force to create a beautiful melody. I always wonder how this is possible. I wonder what is the connection between the fingers and the brain and what is inside our body that allows these happen. I feel like I want to study more about human movement and be an expert in this. That is what inspired me to be a physical therapist. Being a physical therapist, I am able to help other people to move in a better way and live a more happy life.

6.- How long have you worked here?
Three years and a half.

7.- What is job title?
Senior Physical Therapist

8.- What do your duties include? Or What kinds of work does your job involve?
We treat patients with different movement disorder based on the doctor’s script. We teach patients how to do exercises and stretches so that they can get stronger and move better.

9.- What is the best part of your job?
The best part of my job of course is the privilege of have the license to touch any body part that I want. Just kidding. The best part is the sense of accomplishment of seeing someone progressing functionally and the joy that they express on their face. For example, getting from wheelchair bound to walking short distance. This sense of accomplishment is priceless.

10.- What is something you would like to change about your job?
In the near future, I wish to open my own clinic and treat patients with different neurological problems.

11.- Do you enjoy the kind of work you do? Why or why not?
Of course I do. In addition to treating patients with different problems, I also learnt a lot from listening to their complaints and stories, no matter good or bad. I also learnt to be a more people person from just communicating with them.

12.- What are some of the challenges you have faced working here?
In a hospital setting environment, I will need to deal with patients coming from different level of social status. Sometimes, I have patient who barely can afford to live in a shelter. Sometimes I have patient who is one of the hospital administrators. I just have to learn to be flexible to be able to communicate to different types of people.

13.- How has having an intern (such as myself) helped your company or organization advance or progress?
Having your presence in our department is definitely a blessing. You really help us out a lot in preparing and setting up our treatment areas which surely will improve our productivity and so we can use our skills to help more people who are needed. I wish your school will continue to send more students to us.

14.- What advice would you give to high school interns (such as myself) getting ready for college?
Open up your mind and explore different areas of interest. Don’t get stuck studying in one area because of your parents’ want you to. Always study something that you are interested in.

15.- What advice would you give to high shool-aged interns (such as myself) preparing to find a career in the real world?
Always continue to advance your knowledge and learn as much as possible. So you can be competitive in finding a job. And remember nothing is permanent and it is never too late to change your mind.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Midpoint Reflection Questions

How was the intership been the same as and/or different than your expectationts?
Intership has been a lot of different. I discovered many skills of me, and a special value that is the patiente. I am trying to learn this value, because each person who works in Saint Vincent Hospital has to be patient with some patients that are very rushed.
What is similar and different about the culture of the school environment versus the workplace environment?
There is a big difference, school environment is formed by students that always are smiling, making noise, playing or fighting without no reason, workplace environment is quiet. there you can see how people is focus on their jobs, inclusive you can see how busy they are.
What new skills have you learned that apply to the workplace? Which of these are transferable skills?
I have learned many skills, for example: I learned how to prepare hot packs, where to find all kind of instruments that they use.
What kind of relationship do you have with your mentor and co-workers? How have yopu grown as a result of interacting with professional adults? What kinds of communication (verbal and non-verbal skills) have you gained?
My relationship with my mentor is clearly good and friendly. Always we are showing respect to each other. I have grown a lot interacting with professional adults. In fact they taught me how to be sucessful being a student. One skill communication that I have gained is how to show respect and tolerance in front of those patients that act without controll.
What challenges at the intership have you faced that you have overcome and how did you overcome them?
One challenge that I have faced is that at the same time I have had many responsabilities. I overcome those challenges managing my time strictly and doing with my best effort.
What Challenges have you faced in school as a result af the altered schedule and how are you handling them?
Well, there are many challenges. Since We started intership, our common rutine changed to a crazy rutine, in which in my case I passed to be totally independent. I descoverded that the best way to learn any thing is doing by myself without fair to make mistakes. I am handling them wiht responbility and serenity.
What goals are you working to accomplish during the remaining five weeks of the intership?
I am working to accomplish intership without any problems. I want to demonstrate taht I am responsable and that way my parents can see that I am ready to confront any dare until complete my dreams.
What new things have you learned about New York city?
I have learned that in this city we have to organize our time. We have to work together to obtain good results.