Monday, May 25, 2009

Internship Seminar Final Reflection

Look Back to your earliest posts. What were your goal? Did you meet these goals?
I definetly met all of my goals, one of them was that I wanted to see the doctor's life and duties,and also improve my english skills, now I can say that I am not afrid to talk with somebody.

What are the most important things you've learned?
I've leraned how to be patient and act infront of people that sometimes lose the control of themselfs. It is an impotant value for all the doctors.

In what ways have you grown as a student/young adult?
As a student I am more responsible,confident, and I try to help others withuot receive nothing.

What were the highlights of your internship experience?
My highlights of experience is that I discovered how to serve others as a confident person, who knows what can do and what not.

Describe a memorable moment or experience?
My memorable moment was when our mentor made us a party. It was great. We were celebrating the volunteers week, and that day I met the most important person of the company. She was so nice.

What challenges did you overcome?
My busy schedule, it was really hard to organize my time to do many things during the day, in special when I had to do homework and projects for school.

What advice would you give a new intern at this site?
My advice is that in this place they need responsible people, for that a future intern has to dominated this value and know that in a hospital a person has to help others any time.

What will you miss about your internship?
I will miss all of those conversationts that I used to have with doctors. They were telling me stories, giving me advices, they were so nice with me.

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