Saturday, May 2, 2009

Midpoint Reflection Questions

How was the intership been the same as and/or different than your expectationts?
Intership has been a lot of different. I discovered many skills of me, and a special value that is the patiente. I am trying to learn this value, because each person who works in Saint Vincent Hospital has to be patient with some patients that are very rushed.
What is similar and different about the culture of the school environment versus the workplace environment?
There is a big difference, school environment is formed by students that always are smiling, making noise, playing or fighting without no reason, workplace environment is quiet. there you can see how people is focus on their jobs, inclusive you can see how busy they are.
What new skills have you learned that apply to the workplace? Which of these are transferable skills?
I have learned many skills, for example: I learned how to prepare hot packs, where to find all kind of instruments that they use.
What kind of relationship do you have with your mentor and co-workers? How have yopu grown as a result of interacting with professional adults? What kinds of communication (verbal and non-verbal skills) have you gained?
My relationship with my mentor is clearly good and friendly. Always we are showing respect to each other. I have grown a lot interacting with professional adults. In fact they taught me how to be sucessful being a student. One skill communication that I have gained is how to show respect and tolerance in front of those patients that act without controll.
What challenges at the intership have you faced that you have overcome and how did you overcome them?
One challenge that I have faced is that at the same time I have had many responsabilities. I overcome those challenges managing my time strictly and doing with my best effort.
What Challenges have you faced in school as a result af the altered schedule and how are you handling them?
Well, there are many challenges. Since We started intership, our common rutine changed to a crazy rutine, in which in my case I passed to be totally independent. I descoverded that the best way to learn any thing is doing by myself without fair to make mistakes. I am handling them wiht responbility and serenity.
What goals are you working to accomplish during the remaining five weeks of the intership?
I am working to accomplish intership without any problems. I want to demonstrate taht I am responsable and that way my parents can see that I am ready to confront any dare until complete my dreams.
What new things have you learned about New York city?
I have learned that in this city we have to organize our time. We have to work together to obtain good results.

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